Friday, January 7, 2011


Drs. H. Muhammad Solihin , was born in Hamlet Poponcol, Cilewo Village (now Village Ciwulan) Telagasari District, Karawang regency, on February 26, 1966, the first child of five children, the couple Mr. H. Wahyudin bin Encim and Ibu Hj. Salamah bint saju.
Wife Name Lutfiah KH.Abu couples and Hj Bakar Siddiq. Fatima, the last child of eleven siblings.
The name of the daughter, Eva Nurfadilah ananda, born July 13, 1996
The name of the daughter, Evi Rizkia Dewanti, born 1 April 2004 to coincide with the last round of CBA campaign in 2004.

Name Putra Muhammad Fazrul Farid was born on 18 May 2010.

Primary Schools in 1977, graduated in 1982 in elementary Cilewo III,
Junior High School in 1982 at SMPN Telagasari,
Upper middle school in 1985 graduated in 1988 at Tasik Cipasung SMAI Malaya,
Islamic Institute Cipasung (IAIC) Faculty of Shariah Judiciary Department of Religion in 1988 graduated pad atahun 1992 at Tasik Malaya.

Organization Experience

1.       Youth Ansor in the year 1987 to 1992 Position Ansor Youth Research Branch Karachi.
2.       Students Association and Muslim Student Karawang years 1987 to 1992 Position Chairman of the One.
3.       Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in 1998 Position of members, now Team Economic Expert. MWC NU Lemahabang.
4.       Institute for Development of Small Employers. Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives (LP 2 KMK) Position Jen Sek 1997.
5.       Shariah Financial Institutions Baetulmal Tanwil Wa Al-Mu'min Lemahabang years 1999 to 2003, Chairman Position       
6.       Community self-supporting agencies (BKM), Microfinance Institutions, Credit Analyst position in 1999.
7.       Cooperative Business Unit Falkirk Farmers' Association in 2000 to 2005 Position Chairman.
8.       Foundation for Islamic Education As-Sa'idiyah in 2000, as founder and Secretary of the Foundation.
9.       Karawang Growers Association in 1999 until 2003, Chairman Position
10. Institute of Development Research, Monitoring of Marine Resources and Tourism of Nature (LP 3SKPA) of 2001 s / d 2005, Chief Position.
11. Executive Branch NU in 2002 s / d 2007 Position Vice-Chairman.
12. Karawang Development Strategy Forum Review of 1999 S / D Now Position Member.
13. General Director of the Institute for Research and Empowerment Potential of Pesantren Salafiyah.

Scientific Writing
Year of Publication
Function Science Meru'yah Hilal Falak In Early Months (Sekrifsi)
1992 CV. Independent Business Partner
NU identity ideology Ahlussunah Wal Jama
NU Design Maker Politics
CV. Independent Business Partner
Regent Plihan People
GP. Ansor Falkirk
NU & NKRI In Danger
Pena Nations Foundation

Moto Life
Noble Life or Death Sahid

Living Vision
Being Memanusia Plenary, the knowledgeable scientific charity and berakhlakul amalian karimah.

Mission Life
1.       Freeing mankind from oppression, greed, tyranny and injustice.
2.       Making the human as any other human partner, so that no terms and serf owners, there is no term subordinates and superiors that there are partners and partnerships.
3.       Freeing humanity from the shackles of ignorance, backwardness, underdevelopment and colonialism of the capitalists. 

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